Content Strategy WDC 610

My Digital Portfolio

My digital portfolio was designed to help me accomplish my goals of highlighting my digital content creation for potential clients and dramatic writing for black, Muslim, women in the south or some combination thereof by providing insightful and representative content that makes underrepresented and marginalized peoples feel heard and represented so that they can create their own content and tell their stories. 

Site outline

0.0 Home

1.0 Bio

2.0 Portfolio

2.1 Writing

2.2 Research

2.3 Content Curation/Digital Design

3.0 CV

4.0 Contact

Section audiences and goals


  • Primary: Potential content curation clients/small minority-owned businesses
  • Secondary: Potential collaborators under the Black/Muslim/Woman/Southern umbrella and allies.
  • Topic: Shaa’ista Sabir represents Black Muslim women in the south and other marginalized groups in the media.
  • Goals: Give a brief introduction of myself to all site visitors.
  • Target Keywords: Shaa’ista B. Sabir Writing Black Muslim Women 


  • Primary: Potential collaborators under the Black/Muslim/Woman/Southern umbrella and allies.
  • Secondary: Producers of diverse content seeking new voices and new works.
  • Topic: My name is Shaa’ista B. Sabir, I’m a black Muslim woman who writes for other black Muslim women, more specifically in the south. I have a background in social science, theatre, and advocacy through youth work; all of which have helped me become a better writer. 
  • Goals: To introduce the potential collaborator or client-specific highlights of my background and training; as well as an understanding of who I am as a person and artist.
  • Target Keywords: Shaa’ista B. Sabir Black Muslim women Writing, Research, Advocacy


  • Primary: Potential clients for Content Strategy and Dramatic Writing
  • Secondary: Potential Dramatic Writing and Content collaborators under the umbrella of Black/Muslim/Women/Southern
  • Topic: A landing page for Samples of work I have done in content strategy, curation, and Dramatic Writing. Shaa’ista Sabir has extensive experience writing diverse, inclusive, and representative stories for digital media. Her previous work in Dramatic Writing has been read and produced in the US and UK. Shaa’ista’s current work in content strategy through the Writing and Digital Communication program is also linked here. 
  • Goals: To give an overview of my work and link to landing pages that provide tangible examples. 
  • Target Keywords: Shaa’ista B. Sabir Writing, Research, Advocacy


  • Primary: Potential clients for dramatic writing and narrative non-fiction writing. 
  • Secondary: Producers of diverse content seeking new voices and new works.
  • Topic: Shaa’ista B. Sabir’s Dramatic Writing and Non-fiction Writing samples from City, University of London and the Writing and Digital Communication program at Agnes Scott. 
  • Goals: Provide access to my writing samples in Play, Screenwriting, and Narrative Nonfiction. 
  • Target Keywords: Shaa’ista B. Sabir Black Muslim Dramatic Writing


  • Primary: Writing and research clients for content on: Black/Muslim/Southern/Atlanta/Women
  • Secondary: Non-Profit clients.
  • Topic: Work samples from the Writing and Digital Communication program in Critical Communication and Persuasive Writing and Speaking 
  • Goals: Provide access to my research and advocacy with content from DigiComm classes.
  • Target Keywords: Shaa’ista B. Sabir Research, Black Muslim Women

Content Curation/Digital Design

  • Primary: Potential clients for content curation and digital media. 
  • Secondary: Small minority businesses seeking content curation.
  • Topic: Work samples from the Writing and Digital Communication program in Social Media and Visual Thinking Digital Design. 
  • Goals: Provide access to my Content Curation samples from DigiComm classes.